19 October 2008

Not specifics - still slightly political

At this point, I have come to the conclusion of: We're screwed either way.

I would like to call for a landslide. One way or the other. Something that is beyond arguing or anything like that.

This country has some serious problems. Debt, debt, debt.

02 October 2008


I say it again...

There is no climate crisis.

Forecast for the weekend is snow here at the mountain redoubt. Crom be praised!
I digress (but only slightly)- to the topic at hand

Via ace.mu.nu

Crazed American Explanation:
Sunspots are an indicator of the magnetic activity and solar wind. The more sunspots we have, the more active the magnetic aspects and more intense the solar wind. The more intense the magnetic activity and solar wind, the fewer cosmic rays reach the earth. The fewer cosmic rays the fewer high altitude clouds are formed (it has been shown that cosmic rays cause high altitude, highly reflective clouds to form). Fewer high altitude clouds, hotter it gets, due to more solar radiation not being reflected back into space.

Let me try to post a picture.

The Sun yesterday:

I thought I saw a sunspot on the above picture, until I realized that it was just a speck of grit on the monitor screen.

From the article:
Britain’s BBC recently reported that the solar wind is now blowing at the weakest rate in more than 50 years, and is also 13 percent cooler than it was 15 years ago.

So this scientist is predicting there to be a massive ozone hole in the Antarctic. If he's right, there is major evidence that there is no Anthropogenic Global Warming.

From the article: Fear of losing the ozone layer’s health protection led to the Montreal Protocol, which has banned CFCs since 1989. But the ban failed to change behavior of the ozone layer over the Antarctic.

So get this folks, we just might have deep-sixed and entire class of inexpensive refrigerants FOR NO REASON AT ALL. Freon, as it may turn out, HAD NO EFFECT ON THE OZONE LAYER.

I ask you, how many billions of dollars did it cost the world to make that switch?

So I take a quote from Ace.mu.nu:

A lack of sunspots has been theorized to translate to low global temperatures which... well, how about that, which we're now currently experiencing.

Meanwhile, a solar scientist has done something Global Warming "Scientists" can never seem to do: He's made a prediction, you see, the truth or falsity of which will directly strengthen or undermine his theories.

Hmm... making predictions based upon theories, said predictions thereby tending to prove or disprove a theory. Who would have thunk it? Apart from Aristotle, I mean.

So if Al Gore and the Alliance for the Climate or whatever the hell his "non-profit" is called (the WE people on who are calling for 100% clean energy in 10 years), were really concerned about the science of it all and really concerned about the health of the planet, they'd put a hold on these silly ads and help to combat inner city crime or something, at least until some of these climate theories are proven out. If this sunspot explanation can be disproved, then I will issue an apology. Problem is Al Gore and his bunch can MAKE NO PREDICTIONS. They have said so, themselves. We must do what they say because they have William H. Macy narrating their well produced TV commercials and we must BELIEVE. So if this Dr. Lu can make a prediction and it actually can be verified, I'd say lets go with the demonstrable science, but what do I know?

So my request is, we might have been wrong about Freon, it looks like a lot of people are wrong about carbon, why not let the science decide? Unless that is a certain former Vice President is more interested in social and economic engineering (and lining his own pockets) under the veneer of "saving the planet".

Crazed American, out.